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Everything Comes Back To 2000AD

May 28, 2014

Not exactly Pete's wet dream of going on a Summah holiday with Sir Cliff...instead he's stuck reviewing the Summah Special with Irish drunk Flint!

May 27, 2014

This time The Whittle is joined once again by the scrumptious Michael Carroll to talk about Prog 13. Please be prepared for many many tangents and off topic musings. It's a long one...oooer!

May 18, 2014

The Whittle has a Bristol Con recap with Iz then ropes in Rich to look at Issue 343 of the Megazine.... THE XMAS ONE!

The big catch up begins! Possibly.

As always, the issue is spoiled and the whole thing should be avoided by the easily offended.

May 14, 2014

Flint and Rich sit down to go through 2000AD Prog 1880 and generally bicker like a sad old married couple

As always the issue is spoiled and the easily offended should REALLY have gotten the hint by now. We're not exactly subtle.

May 13, 2014

Recorded this past Sunday at the Bristol Comics Expo, join the girls of the Megacast as they talk with Alec Worley and Al Ewing about comics writing, both generally and specifically for 2000AD