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Everything Comes Back To 2000AD

Sep 30, 2019

The gang go through the Drokktober list and explain what it's all about and were you can post. You don't have to be a brilliant artist...anyone can take part. All are welcome partake in this...the inaugural Drokktober! 
There will be prizes. And boy...they're good prizes too!


Sep 27, 2019

The PenultiLuke Progcast before DROKKTOBER Begins!
We will have a special Progcast on September 30th outlining all the Days of Drokktober. Until that short time...listen to more shenanigans as the triumvirate talk about Dark Crystal, Blacula, Hotel Mumbai, Civil War rounds, ComicScene! Johns midlife crisis...'At The...

Sep 23, 2019

What is Drokktober? The gang explain.
The Three Stooges also discuss when plagiarism isn't plagiarism when it's plagiarism! Canadian Prime Minister Al Jolson! Greenland, Flint, Greenland! The Prog review might surprise you as to what we pick as the best story...well, Flint and Mr. B anyways.

Sep 16, 2019

Incident in Kent!
Strange Pubs - The Rising Sun! Fishing for Robots! Mind Bender?!? Mayans! Rico Tales! Scarlet Traces Anthology! Nemesis Hardback...Ding! Ding! Ding! Shanna the Firehair and John Charles 'Technofreak'! Dark Crystal, Titans Season 2 and Thargs Boring Thrillers! All this and the usual Prog review!

Sep 10, 2019

The Galaxy's Greatest Fanzine!
'Day of Dredd'. Rebellion disappoints. Tote Bags! Black & White versus Color. Original art and the infamous 'ghost' cover!