Dec 26, 2023
An interview Flint did with Ian Gibson way back in
February 2017. We thought it would be good for listeners to hear
Ian talk about his career and work. He will be
Original Blurb:
"I struggled to have an introduction for this legendary artist
and in the end...couldn't really describe how amazing
Dec 19, 2023
This a over 3hrs mammoth Progcast!!!
The Lads review The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of the
Christmas Prog! We all LOVE Andrw Sawyers
and we pimp his art book! BUY IT
Dec 11, 2023
Rossy's pre-Progcast Conspiracy Theories and Flint has to go to the Doctor cut this Progcasts time short! But don't worry...we do fit the dreaded Prog review in!
Dec 6, 2023
Can't remember what the guys talked about today. Oh least
I know the prog review is in this one. ;-)