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Everything Comes Back To 2000AD

Mar 29, 2021

Mr. Cholmondley-Warners Spanish Horse!

Justice League Snyder Cut. The Bullets of Justice. Rossy's Kickstarter Korner and 'B' Movie Roundup. The'77...and more Starcrash love!

Mar 25, 2021

Normal service will be resumed shortly!

No new Progcast this week as Flint had a power outage! In the meantime...listen to this cringeworthy Blast from the Past!!!

Original Blurb: 'Richard is back, Flint is offensive, beers get drunk and progs 1680-83 get taken apart. Its ARSOM!!'

Mar 15, 2021

Flint, John and Rossy are joined by '2000ad First Look' YouTube star Sam Morgan!
Flints damn sinus issues are acting up again!!!! Typos and screw-ups. 'Breach', 'SAS: Red Notice', 'Snowpiercer' tv series. Anime and series endings.

Mar 8, 2021

Happy International Womens Day!

Canine Capers with Flint and his Missus. Rossy's 'Kickstarter Korner'. Flint's sinuses are acting up. John tells all about a crappy movie he saw that was so was good! All this and the latest Prog review.

Mar 1, 2021

Luckiest Man on the Planet!
The River of Death! Literal Pooh Sticks! 'Sir MacHinery'. Kickstarter Korner with Mr. Ross. And the current Prog review.