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Everything Comes Back To 2000AD

Nov 29, 2018

Paperback Writer. Johns listening habits and he has seen 'Ant Man'. 'Titans' and TV shows. Mr. Ross messes up his Millsverse. All this and the Prog review.

Nov 26, 2018

Flint and Mr. Ross celebrate 'Thanksgiving'. Red Dead Redemption 2. Ross marches on Tijuana! Rebellions Movie Studios. Normies! John the Hipster. The William Stout book and the Prog review.

Nov 19, 2018

The gangs thoughts on Stan Lee. Mr. Ross and his colonoscopy. How to get kicked out of groups and win friends. Bieber of the Rovers!
John reads the letters page...all this and the prog review. Another long progcast...Thanks Julius!!!!

Nov 11, 2018

'It's Always Sunny at ECBT'. UK Foo Fighters. Karaoke Pint Smash! KISS! Math or Maths? 'Walking Dead' spoilers and the 'Thugs of Hindustan'. Plus the usual Prog review.

Nov 5, 2018

Mr. Ross - Toilet Plunger Extraordinaire! Flint sees 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. Both of them mis-remember and butcher names. 'Mission Impossible' movies, Purge night! Mr. B talks about 'Titans' and 'The Doom Patrol'. John also has IMDB more than Mr. Ross. All this nonsense plus the Prog Review!