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Everything Comes Back To 2000AD

Apr 29, 2014

Pat Mills was the person who launched and edited the first 12 issues of 2000AD. As we're at that point now it seemed like a nice idea to have a chat with the man himself about that period of 2000AD history. So here is Everything Starts With Pat Mills

Apr 21, 2014

Flint and Mr. B review City of Courts #3, Rogue Trooper as well an issue of a Prog. And again it's ROUNDS not BULLETS!!!

Apr 4, 2014

This time Stacey talks fabulous Dredd and Insurrection artist Colin MacNeil into chatting through Prog 12 with her. This is a long, slightly rambly and slightly inebriated episode which therefore has a surprising lack of swearing but some disgusterous perving by The Whittle over MACH1. Disgusting. All complaints as...

Apr 1, 2014

Flint and Rich are joined by Jimmy Aquino of the Comic News Insider podcast to check out prog 1874 and see if it works both for newbies like Jimmy and jaded old c*nts like Flint and Rich.

As always, swearing and general stupidity.