Apr 22, 2019
The Grim Reaper of Tat! Mechanical Mozart! Viking Funeral!
John gets his car sorted and has an interesting Dredd idea.
Mr. Ross leaves early to catch/fall for his bus.
All this and the usual Prog review.
Apr 19, 2019
Shazam Spoilers! Star Wars Trailer reaction. Mr. Ross leaves early for his one hour work shift...but manages to get in his story recaps.
Apr 16, 2019
Another Old School Episode!
Flint is MIA for some of this one . Rich calls in the cavalry - Iz
4 progs are reviewed 1659-1662.
Apr 8, 2019
Sidecar Steve! DC Digital & Trades. CPAP! Laurel & Hardy, Venture Bros. Mith Tyson Mytheries! We miss Johns Tea-Time deadline but do manage to get the letters read. All this and the Prog review.
Apr 4, 2019
We learn more about Mr. Ross every Progcast!!! He has Japanese
Pan-Pals and is now an Associate Editor! Pick up a free 'Rogue
Trooper' comic at 'Lawless'. Malibu Comics and Jim Starlin. John
reads the letters page.
All this nonsense and the Prog review.