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Everything Comes Back To 2000AD

Aug 29, 2018

John is back from his Spanish holidays. Chinatown and Micronauts talk. Ding, Ding, Ding!
Mr. Ross Serial Killer. We review Rebellions new title...The Vigilant! as well as the Prog. This one is a bit echo-ey in places and we're blaming Mr. Ross and his tinfoil hat on it!

Aug 27, 2018

Progcast 400 is here!
Rich 'Reeky' McAuliffe is back for this milestone. What has he been up to and does anyone care? Flint and Rich discuss all kinds of stuff...Planet of the Apes: Visionaries, Thundercats, TerryToons, The Star Trek Animated Series, Archer, creator rights, non-2000ad comics! Also, Rich has an upcoming...

Aug 20, 2018

This one is a mess. The end is the beginning and the beginning is the end!

Nothing but the Prog review and it's only an hour long. Thank Grud!

Good thing Mr. Burdis is on holiday in Barcelona or he'd rip this shoddy, amateur progcast editing apart!

Aug 17, 2018

Prog 2091 Part Deux...or as Mr. Ross would say...Part Ducks!
Julius talks to John about why he is such a pest. And there is a serious conversation about the state of comics today and what can you do to 'save' an archaic anthology title. The prog review continues uninterrupted as Julius takes his leave.

Aug 14, 2018

This Progcast was so long...we split it into two parts! Thanks Julius!!!
John enjoys his time at the sea and shops for new shorts. Dredd writer pointless minutiae. Can we please have a story explaining the cover of Prog 186?
Flat Earth, Burdis Prime, Comic Scene UK and we start the prog review!
More mindless meanderings...