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Everything Comes Back To 2000AD

Nov 28, 2017

Victor Von Doom is a huge Jock fan. Mr. Burdis' wrapping skills. Not so much spoilers on The Netflix Punisher series/Justice League movie. Mr. Ross gets a visit from the Earth 2 President of the USA...all this and the Prog review.

Nov 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving to our two American listeners! Settle down and listen to three turkeys spew nonsense and talk about the prog!
Gobble, Gobble!

Nov 20, 2017

We hit Episode 350!
A milestone. What better way to celebrate than to review Prog 350 and bring back a co-host of 'Ye Olden Days'...Luke Foster! It's the 'All American Progcast'...well, kinda! 

Nov 14, 2017

Poppies, Rob Lefield, The Latest Mega Collection books, Thor: Ragnarok spoilers! The Latino Comic Expo plus the Prog review. Connect the dots, man...connect the dots!

Nov 7, 2017

John's Fence! Mr. 'Tommy Cooper' Ross! Reflecting on Hallowe'en. The Misty/Scream video. Plus the usual Prog review.