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Everything Comes Back To 2000AD

Aug 25, 2014

Sound quality might be a little bit iffy as we are using a new bear with us! Bible lessons with guest Jim McGibbon! Flint and Jim go through Progs 1893, 1894 and 1895...and not a pink fairy armadillo in sight!

Aug 15, 2014

'Dance Off Edition!' Flint and Oor Burdis give rave reviews to IDW's Anderson but not so much to the Prog! Oh...and there are 'Guardians of the Galaxy' spoilers. Be...

Aug 5, 2014

 The 'Mirror Universe' Episode...where everything is positive! Who woulda thunk it? Flint is joined by Mr. Burdis and they have tons of news and updates to talk about...including the NEW judges forum!