Feb 28, 2017
John, Mr. Nice and Flint, who sounds like he's safely hid in his nuclear bunker, talk about The Oscars, Hacksaw Ridge, Fantastic Four, Gilmore Girls, Judge Jonathon Ross, Vampirella, Pop Funko Dredd. Steve talks about 'Every Empire Stumbles Over Its Own Feet' and they ask the question...Who is the better Dredd?...
Feb 17, 2017
John and Julius give a run down on the 40th Anniversary Bash. Steve 'Mr.Nice' gives his Resident Evil review. And Flint is just..well..Flint is just being Flint!
Feb 10, 2017
For the folks going to the 2000ad 40th Anniversary Convention
(otherwise known as Mr. B's 50th Birthday bash!) enjoy
While waiting to get a train or driving to the event...listen to
John talk about his trip to Saudi Arabia and Mr. Ross trip to
Tijuana. Usual Prog review and we talk about Arnies 'Maggie'.
Feb 6, 2017
Ian Gibson Interview: Part Two.
We pick up where with left off with Ian talking about the 'Art of
Gibson' book and why Diamond Distributors rejected it and then onto
listeners questions.
Feb 3, 2017
A little break before part 2 of the Ian Gibson interview. More 40th talk. Resident Evil, Johns 'mix tape' and driver test.