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Everything Comes Back To 2000AD

Oct 27, 2017

Our annual catch up with Uncle Pat!

Is 2000ad eating itself? We talk about royalties, Page Rates and creator rights. The 'Scream/Misty' controversy. The 'Millsverse' - Serial Killer, PsychoKiller, Carlos Ezquerra's 2000ad & Judge Dredd colouring book, Be Pure Be Vigilant Behave! and future releases - Serial Killer:...

Oct 23, 2017

Black Panther trailer, Blade Runner 2047, Steve dons his tin foil hat again and why are all the other Judges rubbish! Plus the prog review.

Oct 18, 2017

Wildfires and Hurricanes, Oktoberfest, Southern Contingent, Bad Movie Night hassle, Turkish Spiderman, Rogue Trooper Redux, The Illuminati - Mr.Ross pulls back the curtain! Dredd Year Two Omnibus and the Prog Review.

Oct 12, 2017

Ouch! More embarrassing flashbacks with Rich (Bluemeanie) and Steve (Flint). Ron Smith is the UK's Jack Kirby. Rich reads 'The Judge Child'. Interesting to compare to recent progcasts how some views have changed...some for the better, some for worse..

Oct 5, 2017

John gives a 'Thought Bubble' round-up which includes a slap on the back of the wrist from Boo Cook for book burning! 'The Inhumans' and a 'Diversity in Comics' update. Plus, 'I'm Awesome and I have two legs!'.